Number of items at this level: 144.
, Sachin (2018) Evolution of Dam Breach and Routing of the Flood Waves at the Downstream Reaches. PhD thesis.
Dash , Saine Sikta (2013) Stage-Discharge Modeling For Meandering Channels. MTech thesis.
Gayari, Abhinav (2013) Hydrological analysis and design of Headworks of Jeera Irrigation Project. BTech thesis.
Patro, Goutam Kumar (2019) A Flood Mitigation Strategy for Floodplain Areas in India. MTech thesis.
Swain , Janaki Ballav (2013) Hydrological modeling of a typical ungauged basin of odisha. MTech thesis.
Tarai , Smrutyunjaya and Rohith , V.K. (2013) Effect of spires on boundary layer growth. BTech thesis.
Thakur, Yashvardhan Singh (2019) Numerical Investigation of Different Shapes of Tall Buildings Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. MTech thesis.
., Annu (2018) Assessment of Hydrological Variables With Land Use Change. MTech thesis.
., Kunal (2013) Characterization of river kosi in the monsoon of 2010-12. BTech thesis.
., Sachni (2014) Dam break analysis using mike11 for lower nagavali dam and rukura dam. MTech thesis.
Bage, Prasanta and Sudhir, Jena (2012) Velocity Distribution at the Cross-Over of Sinusoidal Trapezoidal Meandering Channels. BTech thesis.
Balaji , Chikkam Ramakrishna and Behera, Bichitrananda (2014) Growth of boundary layer thickness and length of fully developed flow in open channel. BTech thesis.
Banerjee, Sumit Kumar (2016) Experimental Study on Resistance in Gravel Bed Channels. MTech by Research thesis.
Behera, Sanjay Kumar (2015) Estimation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield on ONG Catchment, Odisha, India. MTech thesis.
Behera, Suchitra (2015) Flow Analysis in Rigid Vegetation Using ANSYS. BTech thesis.
Bhattacharjee, Anuran (2014) Environmental flows-detailed assessment of the rivers of mahanadi basin of india. MTech thesis.
Bhola, Punit and Singh, Ashish (2010) Rainfall-Runoff modeling of river Kosi using SCS-CN method and ANN. BTech thesis.
Biswal, Santosh Kumar (2015) Mathematical Model for Flow And Sediment Yield Estimation on Tel River Basin of India. MTech thesis.
Champatiray, Amreeta (2014) Experimental study for determination of infiltration rate of soils in field using double ring infiltrometer. MTech thesis.
Choudhury, Dipayan and Sahoo, Anwesha (2012) Rainwater Harvesting In A Typical Mine In Orissa. BTech thesis.
Dandapat, Asit Kumar (2018) Evaluation of loss models and effect of LULC changes on surface runoff in Subarnarekha River Basin in India. MTech thesis.
Das, Aparna (2018) Impact of Land use Land Cover Change on Streamflow of upper
Baitarani River Basin using SWAT. MTech thesis.
Das, B S (2014) Unsteady flow regulation in open channel by using inverse explicit method. MTech thesis.
Das, Bhabani Shankar (2018) Non-uniform flow modelling in compound channels with non-prismatic floodplains. PhD thesis.
Das, Rashmi Rekha (2015) Flow Analysis of Compound Channel with Non Homogenous Roughness. MTech thesis.
Dawoochund, Renu (2018) Impact of LULC Change on Streamflow in a Mauritius Catchment using IHACRES and HEC-HMS Models. MTech thesis.
Devi, K (2014) Numerical simulation of free surface flow using lax diffusive explicit scheme. MTech thesis.
Devi, Kamalini (2018) Flow Modelling in Straight Compound Channels with Symmetrical, Asymmetrical and Unsymmetrical Floodplains. PhD thesis.
Dhal, Soumya Ranjan (2012) Simulation of Hirakud Reservoir to Study Conservation of Water. BTech thesis.
Ghosh, Mousumi (2016) Application of SWAT Model to Assess the Impact of Land Use Changes on Daily and Monthly Streamflow of Subarnarekha River Basin. MTech thesis.
Giri, Nayan Kishore (2015) Design of Cost Efficient Filtration Cartridge Using Iron Impregnated Activated Carbon for the Removal of Arsenic and Iron. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Vivek (2014) Boundary layer studies on rough flat plates under negative pressure gradient. MTech thesis.
Gurmaita, Shival Kumar (2018) An Experimental Investigation on Braided Channel Pattern Due to Variation in Discharge. MTech thesis.
Guru, Nibedita (2016) Flood Frequency Analysis of Partial Duration Series Using Soft Computing Techniques for Mahanadi River Basin in India. PhD thesis.
Guru, Nibedita (2012) Simulation of point and non-point source pollution in mahanadi river system lying in odisha, India. MTech thesis.
Jami, Vishwanath (2016) Numerical Simulation of a Dam Break Flow Using Finite Volume Approach. MTech thesis.
Jana, Srijita (2011) Disaggregation Techniques for Estimating Rainfall of an Urban Area: A Case Study. BTech thesis.
Jena, Sumit Kumar (2015) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Highly Meandering Channel. MTech thesis.
Kapoor, Anil (2011) Analysis of precipitation data of Orissa. BTech thesis.
Khatua, K K (2007) Interaction of Flow and Estimation of Discharge in two Stage Meandering Compound Channels. PhD thesis.
Khuntia, Jnana Ranjan (2016) Effect of Secondary Current on Flow Prediction in an Open Channel Flow. MTech thesis.
Khuntia, Jnana Ranjan (2020) Experimental Investigations of Unsteady Flow Over Rough Bed Channels with and Without Emergent Rigid Vegetation. PhD thesis.
Kiran, Karinki Ravi (2018) Identification of Drought and developing a crop yield model using Meteorological and Geospatial data. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Arun (2017) Velocity Coefficient in a Open Channel Flow with Gradual Transition. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Balmuri Vinay (2014) Determination of infiltration rate of soils using single and double ring infiltrometer and study on drought of karimnagar district of andhra pradesh. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Brijesh (2017) Uncertainties in the Hydrological Modelling Using Remote Sensing Data over the Himalayan Region. PhD thesis.
Kumar, N (2010) Exploration of Ground Water in NIT Valley by Electrical Resistivity Method. BTech thesis.
Kumar, V (2014) Simulation and flow analysis through different pipe geometry. BTech thesis.
Kumar , Abhishek (2018) Studies on Effect of Wind Induced Pressure on Varying Front and Lateral Faces of ‘C’ Shape of Building. MTech thesis.
Kushwaha, Pushpendra Kumar (2017) Experimental and Numerical Study on Boundary Layer Growth in Wind Tunnel. MTech thesis.
Mahapatra, Shovam (2017) Numerical Modelling of Dam Break Analysis. MTech thesis.
Mallick, M (2014) Variation of drag coefficient on rough cyclindrical bodies. MTech thesis.
Meena, Ashvin (2011) Exploration of ground water using electrical resistivity method. BTech thesis.
Meher, Janhabi (2014) Rainfall and runoff estimation using hydrological models and Ann techniques. PhD thesis.
Miri, K (2014) Prediction of flow in non prismatic compound open channel using artificial neural network. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Ritusnata (2018) Dam Breach Parameters and its Effects on Propagation of Flood Wave at the Downstream of Sarabgarh Irrigation Project. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Sobhan (2015) Application of Universal Soil Loss Equation in Estimation of Sediment Yield(Case study: Upper Mahanadi Catchment, India). MTech thesis.
Mishra, Swati (2016) Comprehensive Water Quality Indexing Using Functional Data and Principal Component Analysis for River Narmada. MTech thesis.
Mohanta, Abinash (2019) Modelling of Overbank Flow in Two-stage Meandering Channels. PhD thesis.
Mohanta, Abinash (2014) Flow Modelling of a Non Prismatic compound channel By Using C .F .D. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Gyanaranjan (2010) Study of Boundary Layer Parameters on a Flat Plate Using Wind Tunnel. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Laxmipriya (2013) Velocity distribution in trapezoidal meandering channel. MTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Laxmipriya (2017) Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Modelling of Water Quality in Mahanadi River Basin. MTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Mamata Rani (2015) Flow Analysis of a Compound Meandering Channel. MTech thesis.
Murasingh, Surajit (2014) Analysis of groundwater potential zones using electrical resistivity, rs & gis techniques in a typical mine area of odisha. MTech thesis.
Murmu, Anta (2015) Studies on Variation of Drag Coefficient for Flow Past Cylindrical Bodies Using ANSYS. MTech thesis.
Naik, Saudamini (2015) Numerical Simulation of a Dam Break Flow Using Finite Difference Approach. MTech thesis.
Naik , Milan (2013) Urban sprawl of Bhubaneswar city using GIS applications and entropy. BTech thesis.
Naresh , Chinthu (2016) Dam Break Analysis Using Hecras for Nagarjunasagar Dam. MTech thesis.
Navane, Vishal Sagar (2018) RS, GIS and MCDM technique based approach for groundwater planning and development in Latur district of Maharashtra in India. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Aishwarya (2017) Boundary Shear Distribution in Meandering Channel. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Pinaki Prasanna (2010) Meandering Effect for Evaluation of Roughness Coefficients and Boundary Shear Distribution in Open Channel flow. MTech thesis.
Padhi, E (2014) Validation of discharge prediction approaches in a straight compound channel. MTech thesis.
Padhiary, Jagadish (2021) Agro Hydrological Characterization of River Basin in Tropical Monsoon Climatology under Changing Land Use and Climate Scenarios. PhD thesis.
Pal, Birju (2018) Determination of Hydraulic Properties of Locally Available Soils using Double Ring Infiltrometer. MTech thesis.
Palai, Deepika Priyadarshini (2015) Numerical Analysis of Velocity and Boundary Shear Stress Distribution in a Meandering Channel. MTech thesis.
Panda, Parameswar (2010) Prediction of Flow in Compound Open Channel Flows Using Artificial Neural Network. BTech thesis.
Pandey, Pooja (2015) Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Mahanadi River Basin. MTech by Research thesis.
Pangeni, Balkrishna (2013) Design of Headwork for Lower Nagavali Irrigation Project. BTech thesis.
Panigrahi, Subodh and Dash, Sanat (2008) Reservoir Operation using Multiple Regressed Monthly operation Rules. BTech thesis.
Parihar, Prasang Singh (2016) Application for Barrage Calculations and Design (ABCD v1.0). MTech thesis.
Parwin, Rijwana (2021) Performance Evaluation of Eichhornia Crassipes for Kitchen Wastewater Treatment. PhD thesis.
Parwin, Rijwana (2014) Assessment of water resources & management strategies of Brahmani river basin. MTech by Research thesis.
Patnaik, Manaswinee (2013) Boundary shear stress distribution in meandering channels. MTech thesis.
Phanindra, Kalagara (2015) Study of Hydraulic Characteristics in an Open Channel Flow with Vegetation. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, A (2014) Analysis of flow along the meander path of a highly sinuous rigid channel. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Arpan (2019) Stage-Discharge Modelling of Meandering Compound Channels with
Differential Roughness. PhD thesis.
Pradhan, Siprarani (2021) Flow Analysis of Compound Channels with Rough Floodplains. PhD thesis.
Prakash, Rishabh (2016) Experimental Analysis on Boundary Layer Growth Using Varying Configuration of Roughness Blocks and Spires in Wind Tunnel. MTech thesis.
Prasad, NP Sai (2017) Seasonal Variation of Infiltration and Comparison of Different Infiltration Models in Sandy Soils. MTech thesis.
Premchand, Murahariaro (2016) Energy Loss Prediction in a Compound Channel having Skewed Flood Plains using Artificial Neural Network. MTech thesis.
Priyadarsini, Lopamudra (2013) Developement of Low Cost Water purification Technique. BTech thesis.
Prusty, Raunak Manoranjan (2018) Climate Change Impact Assessment under CORDEX South-Asia RCM Scenarios on Brahmani-Baitarani River Basin. MTech thesis.
Raj, Prince (2017) Evaluation of Different Techniques to Detect Land Use / Land Cover Change Over an Area. MTech thesis.
Raj, Vivek (2018) Experimental and Numerical Studies on Effects of Wind Pressure on “C” Shape of Buildings with Varying aspect ratio. MTech thesis.
Rajesh, Ravi (2018) Numerical Investigation of NACA Airfoil and Wind Turbine Airfoil. MTech thesis.
Rath, Prayas (2016) Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrological Parameters Using Statistical Downscaling. MTech thesis.
Ray Singh, Meena (2012) Simulation of Runoff and Flood Inundation in Kosi River Basin using Hydrological models, ANN, Remote Sensing and GIS. MTech by Research thesis.
Reddy, Yerragunta Chandra Sekhar (2016) Application of K-Ԑ Model to Compound Channels Having Diverging Flood Plains and Analysis of Depth Averaged Velocity Using Ansys(Fluent). BTech thesis.
Roul , Rajendra (2015) Studies on Performance of an Airfoil and Its Simulation. MTech thesis.
Rout, Suryaleen (2020) Performance Evaluation of Bentonite Embedded Pond Ash as Landfill Liner. PhD thesis.
Sahana, Pritam (2009) Study on Boundary Shear Stress Distribution in Meandering Trapizoidal Open Channel Flow. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, B (2014) Catchment response modelling of a typical river basin in odisha using scs-cn method. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusan (2014) Critical appraisal of different drought indices of drought predection & their application in kbk districts of odisha. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Mrunmayee Manjari (2014) Analysis and modelling of surface water quality in river basins. MTech by Research thesis.
Sahoo, Mrunmayee Manjari (2018) An Integrated Hydrologic Bayesian Multi-Model Framework for Water Quality and Nutrient Analysis. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Nibedita (2008) Design of Water Tank. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Nirjharini (2012) Effect of Differential Roughness on Flow Characteristics in a Compound Open Channel. MTech by Research thesis.
Sahoo, Priti Ranjan (2009) Groundwater Exploration. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rahul (2015) Study of Velocity Profile of a Converging Compound Channel Using ANSYS. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Santanu Kumar (2007) Assessment, development and management of ground water from confined aquifers of a hilly terrain. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Sarjati (2017) A Modified Coherence Method for Flow Prediction in a Compound Channel. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Mrutyunjaya (2011) Prediction of flow and its resistance in compound open channel. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Mrutyunjaya (2009) Study on Boundary Shear Stress Distribution in Meandering Trapizoidal Open Channel Flow. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Ranjit Kumar (2015) Hydrological Analysis for Urban Water Management. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Ravi Kumar (2015) Growth of Boundary Layer on Smooth and Rough Surface. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Sandeep Kumar (2016) Application of HEC-HMS Model for Runoff Simulation. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Sanoj (2015) Small Hydropower: Feasible Location, Potential and Installation in Odisha. MTech thesis.
Samal, R N Srusti Darshan (2016) Boundary Shear Stress Distribution in Smooth and Rough Open Channel Flow. MTech thesis.
Sankalp, Sovan (2015) An Investigation of Velocity Distribution in a Rough Bed Meandering Channel. MTech thesis.
Sethi, Samir Kumar (2009) Study of Boundary Layer Parameters on Rough Surfaces. BTech thesis.
Sethy, Susanta Kumar (2010) Comparison between tap water and kitchen waste water of selected sites of NIT Rourkela. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Ranjit Kumar (2010) Rainwater Harvesting at National Institute of Technology(N.I.T), Rourkela. BTech thesis.
Sherman, Sherron Brisbane (2016) Dam Break Flood Inundation Modeling for Mount Coffee Dam. MTech thesis.
Shivashankar, Mali (2016) 3-Dimensional Analysis of Dam Break Flood Using ANSYS. MTech thesis.
Shukla, Neha (2017) Utilization of moringa oleifera for reuse of treated domestic wastewater. MTech by Research thesis.
Sial, Subhalaxmi (2016) Velocity Profiles in Smooth and Rough Open Channel Flows. MTech thesis.
Singh, Anshuman (2018) A Parametric Study of Slope Stability and Comparison of Breach Parameter for Different case of Earthen Dam. MTech thesis.
Singh, Arunima (2015) Studies on Boundary Layer Parameters on Rough Surfaces in Turbulent Boundary Layer Zone. MTech thesis.
Singh, Devi Prasad (2016) Prediction of Flow in Non-prismatic Compound Open Channel using Artificial Neural Network. MTech thesis.
Singh, Prateek Kumar (2017) A Study of Rating Curve and Flood Routing using Numerical Method. MTech thesis.
Singh, Rajesh (2014) A Project Report on Study of Velocity Profiles over Parabolic Surfaces. MTech thesis.
Srivastava, Abhijeet (2009) Ground Water Replenisher: A System to Artificially Recharge Ground Water. BTech thesis.
Srivastava, Devesh and Pande y, Alok (2008) Study of boundary layer parameters on rough surfaces. BTech thesis.
Sundaray , Preetam (2013) Environmental Flow. BTech thesis.
Sunil, Pidathala (2018) Gate Operations of Multi-Purpose Rengali Dam for Flood Management in Downstream Areas. MTech thesis.
Swain, Janaki Ballav (2018) Streamflow Estimation in Ungauged Catchments through the Process of Regionalization. PhD thesis.
Swetha, N. and Dash, Santosh (2008) Discharge Distribution in Meandering Compound Channels. BTech thesis.
Talukdar, Gaurav (2016) Flood Inundation Mapping of Baitarani River Basin Using Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model. MTech thesis.
Tiwary, Rahul Kumar (2017) Hydrological Modelling of Poondi Watershed Using Arcswat. MTech thesis.
Tobgay, S (2014) The temporal analysis of area capacity curve of Hirakud reservoir. BTech thesis.
Venu, Radharapu (2019) Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration by ANN and Regression Analysis in Brahmani River Basin,India. MTech thesis.
Vishwakarma, Bharat Kumar (2018) Modelling of Kinetic Energy and Momentum Correction Coefficients in Straight, Meandering and Braided Channel. MTech thesis.
Yadav, Sateesh Kumar (2017) Numerical investigation of pressure distribution on cylindrical structures in grouped configuration. MTech thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 23:26:06 2025 IST.