Number of items at this level: 178.
Acharya, Tilak and Sahoo, Sunit Kumar (2013) Face Recognition Using PCA and DCT Based Approach. BTech thesis.
Chhabada, Sandeep Singh (2012) Heuristics for license plate localization and hardware implementation of Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system. BTech thesis.
Deo, Abhinav (2013) Recognition of License Plates and Optical Nerve Pattern Detection Using Hough Transform. MTech thesis.
Kodwani , Lucky (2013) Automatic Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Recognition of License Plate in Real Time Videos. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Nagati Naresh (2014) Design and Analysis of Fractal Monopole Antennas for Multiband Wireless Applications. MTech thesis.
Muduli, Priya Ranjan (2013) Development and implementation of image fusion algorithms based on wavelets. MTech thesis.
Ray, Subhanjan (2015) Object Tracking in Audio-Visual Scene. MTech thesis.
Reddy, Anandigari Bharath Kumar and Tudu, Siba Prasad (2013) Image Restoration Techniques. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Jasmine and Tarai, Chidananda (2013) Hand Gesture Based Surveillance Robot. BTech thesis.
., Neharika (2018) Design of a Heart Rate Monitoring System Using Photoplethysmography. MTech thesis.
Acharya, Aditya (2018) Development of Some Spatial-domain Preprocessing and Post-processing Algorithms for Better 2-D Up-scaling. PhD thesis.
Acharya, Bibhudendra (2015) On the Development of Novel Encryption Methods for Conventional and Biometric Images. PhD thesis.
Acharya, G and Pandey, S (2014) Target detection by radar using linear frequency modulation. BTech thesis.
Agarwal, Anubhav and Manohar, Madhukar (2008) Rotation and Scale Invariant Texture Classification. BTech thesis.
Agrawal , Richa (2010) FPGA Implementation of DHT Algorithms for Image Compression. BTech thesis.
Anand, Ankesh (2015) Delineation of Water Bodies from Satellite Images Using MATLAB. BTech thesis.
Anilkumar, Karri (2013) Face recognition using DCT and PCA approach. BTech thesis.
Anumala, Udayeni (2017) Median Filtering Forensics for JPEG
Compressed Images. MTech thesis.
Baddiri, Sandeep (2017) Human Identification using Gait. MTech thesis.
Badgotia, Kamal Dheeriya (2015) Experimental Study on Finding Audio-visual Association by Maximizing Mutual Information. MTech thesis.
Balaji, Banoth (2007) Rotation and scale invariant texture classification using log polar wavelet energy signatures. MTech thesis.
Bandagi, Vinayak Anil (2018) Face Recognition Using Sparse Representation. MTech thesis.
Barla, Abhilasha (2017) Analysis of Audio and Video in an AudioVisual Scene for Feature Extraction. MTech thesis.
Behera, Bikash Kumar (2015) Face Recognition and Facial Expression Detection. BTech thesis.
Bhargav, S (2014) Handwritten Devanagari numeral recognition. MTech thesis.
Bhati, Satish Harjibhai (2015) Fingerprint Mosaicing Using Modified Phase Correlation Method. MTech thesis.
Bhatia, Jaspreet (2016) Contrast Enhancement for JPEG Images in the Compressed Domain. MTech thesis.
Bhattacharya, Swati (2018) Detecting Digital Image Origin: Photographic or Photorealistic. MTech thesis.
Bhave, Swati (2018) Sparse Representation Algorithms and their Applications. MTech thesis.
Bhimesh, Gude Hema (2018) Hyperspectral Image Classification. MTech thesis.
Bhoi, Nilamani (2009) Development of Some Novel Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Digital Image Filters. PhD thesis.
Bind , Vimal Singh (2013) Robust Techniques for Feature-based Image Mosaicing. MTech thesis.
Boda, Somaraju (2009) Feature-Based Image Registration. MTech thesis.
Bopche, Vivek (2018) Face Recognition Under Different Lighting Conditions. MTech thesis.
Chadar, Sameer (2016) Machine learning and Kalman Filter based Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Network. MTech thesis.
Chandaluri, Sumedh (2018) Robust Dictionary Learning by Error Source Decomposition. MTech thesis.
Chandra, Komal (2016) The Study of Robust Kalman Filter On Linear and Non-Linear Systems. MTech thesis.
Chhotaray, Sukant Kumar (2015) Asymmetric Image Encryption based on Cipher Matrices. PhD thesis.
Das, Manas Ranjan and Barla, Sunil (2012) Object Shape Recognition. BTech thesis.
Das, Sambit Kumar and Mishra, Rohan (2007) GSM Based Display ToolKit. BTech thesis.
Das, Subash Chandra (2016) Pattern Classification Using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network. MTech thesis.
Das , Sonia (2013) Real Time Extraction of Human Gait Features for Recognition. MTech thesis.
Deshlahra, Archana (2013) Analysis of Image Compression Methods Based On Transform and Fractal Coding. MTech thesis.
Devarapalli, Avinash Babu (2013) Static hand gesture segmentation for images with complex background; detection and tracking of dynamic hand gesture. MTech thesis.
Dhara, Sobhan Kanti (2015) Some Intra-Frame and Inter-Frame Processing Schemes for Efficient Video Compression. MTech thesis.
Durgam, Ujwal Kumar (2016) Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Registration Using Speeded Up Robust Features. MTech thesis.
Dwivedi, Harsh Vardhan (2009) Design of JPEG Compressor. BTech thesis.
Dwivedi, Rahul (2016) Study of Face Recognition Methods. MTech thesis.
Dwivedy, Biswajit (2019) Investigations on Reconfigurable Planar Antennas and Devices. PhD thesis.
Francis, Mathew (2014) Face detection in curvelet domain. MTech thesis.
Gajula, Nanda kishore (2011) Study of object detection and reading(license plate detection and reading). MTech thesis.
Ghosh, Dipak Kumar (2016) A Framework for Vision-based Static Hand Gesture Recognition. PhD thesis.
Ghosh, Pooja (2015) Image Mosaicing Using Feature Detection Algorithms. BTech thesis.
Giri, Avinash (2014) Development Of Digital Half toning Techniques For Grayscale Image. MTech thesis.
Gorpuni, Pavankumar (2009) Development of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithms for Video Comression. MTech thesis.
Goud, Namala Ranjtih (2018) Image Super Resolution and Reconstruction Using Sparse Representation. MTech thesis.
Govardhan , P (2014) Night time pedestrian detection for Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) using near infrared images. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Neha (2019) Unsupervised Techniques for Change Detection in Multispectral Images. PhD thesis.
Gurrala, Kiran Kumar (2011) Online signature verification techniques. MTech thesis.
Hota, Anuraag and Pradhan, Souramya (2012) Hand Written Odia Character Recognition. BTech thesis.
Ipsita , Ananya (2014) implementation of emotional behavior of autistic children using SIFT target FPGA. BTech thesis.
Jain, Shikha (2017) Real Time Face Recognition. MTech thesis.
Jain , Deepak (2017) Moving Object Detection and Recognition. MTech thesis.
Jha, Snehashis (2014) Image compresssion and encryption using scan pattern. MTech thesis.
Jitendar, Rupavath (2016) Study of Content Based Image Retrieval Systems. MTech thesis.
Joshi, Jayati (2017) Face Recognition via Sparse Representation. MTech thesis.
Kakde, Bhavana (2018) Content-Based Image Retrieval. MTech thesis.
Karali, B (2014) Signature verification using grid based feature extraction. BTech thesis.
Karthik, N B (2014) Vision system for autonomous navigation. MTech thesis.
Kuanr, Debesh and Tripathy, Lokanath (2012) Accuracy improvement in odia zip code recognition technique. BTech thesis.
Kulkarni, Ramesh (2012) Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise. PhD thesis.
Kulkarni, Ramesh (2012) Novel Restoration Techniques for Images Corrupted with High Density Impulsive Noise. PhD thesis.
Kumar, Chitturi Vinod (2015) Longshot Football Detection and Tracking Using Mean Shift Algorithm. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Manish and Gouda, Himanshu Sekhar (2012) Fingerprint recognition system to verify the identity of a person using an online database. BTech thesis.
Kumar, R V Y (2014) Target following camera system based on real-time recognition and tracking. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Rahul (2015) Assistive System for Visually Impaired using Object Recognition. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Regunta Nithin (2017) Plant Identification from Leaf Using Artificial Neural Network. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Sunil (2016) Ocular Artifacts Removal from Electroencephalographic (EEG) Signals. MTech thesis.
Kumari, Nirulata (2009) Study and Development of Some Novel Image Segmentation Techniques. MTech by Research thesis.
Lalitha, Karnati Venkata Naga (2015) Grayscale Digital Halftoning Using Optimization Techniques. MTech thesis.
Maheshwari, Shishir (2014) Image blending using graph cut method for image mosaicing. MTech thesis.
Mallik, Himanshu (2015) Automated Student Attendance Registering System Using Face Recognition. BTech thesis.
Mallik, Sudhansu (2016) Underwater Image Enhancement. MTech thesis.
Mandal, Itishree and Ray, Samiksha (2014) Hand gesture based digit recognition. BTech thesis.
Mandal, Swati (2017) Hand Gesture Recognition Using Fusion of Features. MTech thesis.
Meena, Sanjay (2011) A Study on Hand Gesture Recognition Technique. MTech thesis.
Meher, S (2004) Development of Some Novel Nonlinear and Adaptive Digital Image Filters for Efficient Noise Suppression. PhD thesis.
Minz, Manoranjan (2014) Efficient Image Compression Scheme for Still Images. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Asutosh and Nanda, Alok (2012) Master Hand Technology For The HMI Using Hand Gesture And Colour Detection. BTech thesis.
Mishra, J (2014) Suppression of blocking artifact in compressed image. MTech thesis.
Mohanty, Alekhika (2006) Study and Implementation of Watermarking Algorithms. MTech by Research thesis.
Mohanty, Prashant Kumar (2012) On edge detection of images using ant colony optimization and fisher ratio. MTech thesis.
Mondal, D C (2014) Multi camera soccer player tracking. MTech thesis.
Moyyila, Upendra Rao (2015) Detection and Recognition of Soccer Ball and Players. MTech thesis.
Mr., Anurag (2017) Gait Recognition and its Application in Biometric. MTech thesis.
Mr., Rishabh (2017) Robust Face Recognition. MTech thesis.
Ms, Shalini (2017) Handwritten Hindi Character Recognition. MTech thesis.
N, Brinda (2017) Fast Global Motion Estimation for Compressed domain videos. MTech thesis.
Nadakudity, Sai Sita Anusha (2015) Object Tracking from Audio and Video data using Linear Prediction method. MTech thesis.
Nagaraju, Bhargav (2016) Study of a Preferable Compression Plane for Video Coding. MTech thesis.
Narayan, Dipshikha (2015) Analysis of Image Compression in Curvelet Domain. MTech thesis.
Nawaz, Zeeshan (2015) Study of Fingerprint Enhancement and Matching. BTech thesis.
Nayak, Abhijit (2015) Human Identification Using Gait. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Ritesh Kumar and Agarwal , Sharad (2013) Comparision of Iris Identification by Using modified SIFT and SURF keypoint Descriptor. BTech thesis.
Om Sri , Satyasai and Naik, Tatsat (2011) Study of Fingerprint Recognition System. BTech thesis.
P S, Arun Kumar (2009) Implementation of Image Compression Algorithm using Verilog with Area, Power and Timing Constraints. MTech thesis.
Panda, Deepak Kumar (2012) Motion detection, object classification and tracking for
visual surveillance application. MTech thesis.
Pandey, Achala (2017) Development of Efficient Algorithms for Seamless Image Mosaicing. PhD thesis.
Panigrahi , Asis and Mohanty , Monalisha (2010) Effect of substarte parasitics on heterojunction bipolar transistors. BTech thesis.
Parida, Abhisek (2015) Vein Pattern Extraction Using Near Infrared Imaging for Biometric Purposes. BTech thesis.
Parida, Padmini (2017) Sparse Based Automatic Plant Identification System. MTech thesis.
Parimala, Anusha (2018) Video Enhancement: Video Stabilization. MTech thesis.
Pathak, Rahul (2016) Study of Human Detection Algorithms using Histogram of Oriented Gradients. MTech thesis.
Patra, Jatabeda (2010) VLSI implementation of image compression and decompression using Discrete Hartley Transform. BTech thesis.
Patra, R (2014) Statistical approach for detection of vehicle in heavy traffic. BTech thesis.
Pattnaik, Sunil Kumar (2006) Development of Low Power Image Compression Techniques. MTech by Research thesis.
Paul, Sourabh (2019) Development of Efficient Registration Algorithms for Remote Sensing Optical and SAR Images. PhD thesis.
Pavan, Sandula (2021) Compressed Domain Video Zoom Motion Analysis and Saliency Estimation. PhD thesis.
Pavan, Sandula (2015) Modified Fuzzy-Anisotropic Gaussian Kernel and CRB in Denoising SAR Image. MTech thesis.
Pillai, Gargi V (2017) Descriptors based Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images. MTech thesis.
Prakash, A and Tewari, M K (2010) Study of Different Algorithms for Face Recognition. BTech thesis.
Prasad, Arpan Suravi (2015) Image Segmentation and 3-D Reconstruction of Coronary Artery. BTech thesis.
Prashanti, Yaramareddy (2017) Imaging Through-The-Wall by Static Radar using Doppler Signature. MTech thesis.
Praveen Kumar , Bogiri (2015) Study of Contrast Enhancement Techniques. MTech thesis.
Premshankar, Konapala (2014) Efficient Video Compression Schemes by applying the DCT approach. BTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Priyanka (2016) Voice Activity Detection by Maximizing Mutual Information of an Audio-Visual Scene. MTech thesis.
Purniya, Deepankar and Pradhan, Gigyanshu and Nayak, Amit (2012) Robotic navigation in the presence of static and dynamic obstacles. BTech thesis.
R, Silambarasi (2017) Human Action Recognition using Extended Motion History Image and Fusion of Features. MTech thesis.
Ragasudha, Narapaneni (2014) Efficient Video Compression Schemes. MTech thesis.
Rajput, Pradeep Kumar (2015) Robust Kalman Filter Using Robust Cost Function. MTech thesis.
Rajulapati , Bharat Kumar (2012) FPGA implementation of circular spatial filter under high noise variance conditions. MTech thesis.
Ranjith, Chukka (2018) Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Gabor Wavelet Function. MTech thesis.
Raut, Sukhada Ashok (2017) Underwater Image Registration. MTech thesis.
Rawat, Chandan Singh D (2015) Development of Some Efficient Lossless and Lossy Hybrid Image Compression Schemes. PhD thesis.
Ray, Soumya Shubhra (2016) Texture Estimation by Despeckling of SAR Imagery. MTech thesis.
Reddy, Dandu Amarnatha (2018) Vision Based Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction. MTech thesis.
Reddy , B Kasi Viswanatha (2013) Fast block matching motion estimation algorithms for video compression. MTech thesis.
Rooj, Suparna (2016) Vision based Measurement of Arterial Pulse Rate. MTech thesis.
Routray, Dikshya (2015) Object Search Strategy in Tracking Algorithms. BTech thesis.
Roy, Manidipta (2018) Face Recognition using Depth Information. MTech thesis.
Rupanagudi , Manoj (2015) Drowziness Detection System using Image Processing. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Chandraprakash (2016) Driver Drowsiness Detection System. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Lagnajeet (2015) Hand Gesture Recognition System. BTech thesis.
Sahoo, Pratish Kumar (2015) Mutual Information Based Image Registration for Medical Imaging. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Suraj Prakash (2021) Human Action Recognition Based on Analysis of Video Sequences. PhD thesis.
Sahoo, Suraj Prakash (2015) Human Tracking and Activity Recognition for Surveillence Applications. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Sameer and Thakur, Pappu (2012) Human Face Detection. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Sangeeta (2014) Image registration techniques for medical images. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Saurabh (2015) Efficient Image Fusion Using DWT. BTech thesis.
Sandeep, Manthi Venkat (2015) Full Frame Video Stabilization Using Motion Inpainting. MTech thesis.
Sarangi , Ishan Kumar and Nayak, Sudarshan (2014) Image mosaicing of panoramic images. BTech thesis.
Senapati, Ranjan Kumar (2012) Development of Novel Image Compression Algorithms for Portable Multimedia Applications. PhD thesis.
Senapati, Subhrajyoti (2015) Unsupervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images based on Spectral Features. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Mrityunjay and Choudhury, Prabir Kumar (2015) Gesture Recognition Based on Computer Vision on a Standalone System. BTech thesis.
Sharma, Saurabh and Prasad, Dewakar and Tripathy, Manish (2009) Image Processing using Haar Wavelet transform. BTech thesis.
Shree, Mona (2016) Zoom Detection in Video Sequences. MTech thesis.
Singh, Deepak (2016) Fast and Efficient Foveated Video Compression Schemes for H.264/AVC Platform. PhD thesis.
Singh, Shougaijam Debajit and Majhi, Shiba Prasad (2010) Fingerprint recognition: A study on image enhancement and minutiae extraction. BTech thesis.
Singhal, Shikha and Singhal , Shalakha (2013) Hand Gesture Recognition using Depth Data for Indian Sign Language. BTech thesis.
Sreevalli, Manda (2015) A Study on Change Detection in Hyperspectral Image. MTech thesis.
Sreevalli, Manda (2015) A Study on Change Detection in Hyperspectral Image. MTech thesis.
Srikanth, Sure (2013) Compression Efficiency for Combining Different Embedded Image Compression Techniques with Huffman Encoding. MTech thesis.
Srinivasu, Ulli (2018) Semi-Supervised Learning in Random Forest Classifier for Human Action Recognition. MTech thesis.
Srivastava, Abhishek Kumar and Chabra, Sandeep (2007) Study of Software Interface For Adaptive Control System. BTech thesis.
Subudhi, K Krishan Kumar and Mishra, Ramshankar (2011) Human Face Recognition and Detection. BTech thesis.
Sutar, Soubhagya and Sarma, Anup (2011) Design and Implementation of Application Specific Instruction Set Processor using LISATek Design Methodology. BTech thesis.
Swain, Chittaranjan and Kumar, S Dinesh (2008) Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis. BTech thesis.
Swapna, Tentu (2018) Adjustable Windowing for Transmit Beam forming in MIMO Wireless Rayleigh Fading Channel. MTech thesis.
Tayde, Gaurav (2017) Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction using Sparse Representation. MTech thesis.
Thakre, Deeksha (2018) Study and Development of Error Diffusion Techniques for Digital Halftoning. MTech thesis.
Thomas, Manu (2014) Detection of Cardiac Arrhythmias using Electrocardiogram Signals. MTech thesis.
Tripathy, Birendra Nath and Dash, Abinash (2012) Prototype Drowsiness Detection System. BTech thesis.
Vaishnav, Shrikant and Maida, Antim (2009) Image Compression & Transmission through Digital Communication System. BTech thesis.
Vully, Mahesh Kumar (2011) Facial expression detection using principal component analysis. MTech thesis.
Vupputuri, Anusha (2015) Robust Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns and Gabor Filters. MTech thesis.
Warudkar, Akanksha (2017) Analysis of MIMO Transceiver Signal in Through-The-Wall Imaging Under Multiple Wall Reflection. MTech thesis.
Yadav, R (2014) Robust object tracking algorithms using C++ and MATLAB. BTech thesis.
Yalamati , Susmitha (2018) Image Registration Using SIFT Algorithm. MTech thesis.
This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 21:47:44 2025 IST.