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Number of items at this level: 121.

Agarwal , Piyush (2013) Estimation of bicycle level of service for urban indian roads. BTech thesis.

Dehuri, Achuta Nanda (2013) Impacts of roadway condition, traffic and manmade features on road safety. MTech thesis.

Munda, Duryodhan (2013) The effect of bamboo fiber on the performance of stone matrix asphalt using SLAG as aggregate replacement. BTech thesis.

Nayak , Minakshi Sheshadri (2013) Bicycle level of service in urban Indian context. MTech thesis.

Patnaik , Ashish Kumar (2013) Level of service criteria of roads in urban indian context. MTech thesis.

Sahani, Rima (2013) Level of service criteria of urban walking environment in indian context using cluster analysis. MTech thesis.


Agarwal, Abhishek (2012) Application of fuzzy logic to model trip generation phase of sequential travel demand analysis. BTech thesis.

Agarwal, Nitesh and Behera, Rajanikanta (2015) Study on Use of Polymeric Waste Materials in Concrete for Road Pavements. BTech thesis.

Agarwal, Sonu (2011) Speed-flow-density study of two different Indian roads and their comparisons. BTech thesis.

Azad, Manish Shekhar (2017) Study on Behavioral Characteristics of Three- Dimensional Pedestrian Flow on Stairway at Khurda Railway Station. MTech thesis.


Bale, Suresh (2015) Impact of Vehicle Pedestrian Interaction on Traffic Flow: Midblock and Intersections. MTech thesis.

Barik , Shubhakanta (2015) Use of Locally Available Materials in Pavement Sub-Base. MTech thesis.

Behera, Manoj Kumar (2015) Stabilised Gravel for Road Sub-Base: A Laboratory Study. MTech thesis.

Bhola, R (2014) Asset management of roads, evolution and techniques. BTech thesis.

Biswal, Manoj Kumar (2022) Analysis of Pedestrian Level of Service and Capacity at Various Transportation Facilities. PhD thesis.

Biswal, Manoj Kumar (2014) Comparison Of Pedestrian Fundamental Diagram: A Cultural and Gender Aspect. MTech thesis.


Chaitanya, Aemala (2016) Modelling of Pedestrian Flow Based on Route Choice Behaviour of Pedestrians Using Floyd Warshall Algorithm. MTech thesis.

Chakraborty, Abhishek (2017) Evaluation of Urban Street Service Quality in Developing Countries Using Soft-Computing Techniques. MTech thesis.

Chaulia, Saswat (2016) Effect of Shape and Size of Influence Area on the Estimation of Critical Gap by Using Gap Acceptance Method. MTech thesis.

Chhotaray, Monalisha (2015) Study on Stabilization Option for Soil Subgrade in Low Volume Bituminous Pavements. BTech thesis.

Choudhary, Homishankar (2017) Use of Steel Slag and Aggregate for Pavement Sub-Base. MTech thesis.


Dalai, Diptimayee (2018) Modelling of Bicycle Operations at Signalized Intersections. MTech thesis.

Das, Aditya Kumar (2014) Engineering characterization of sulphur modified bituminous binders. MTech thesis.

Das, Amit Kumar (2022) Development of a Generic Microscopic Cellular Automata Model on Traffic Flow. PhD thesis.

Das, Indranil (2018) Studies on Impacts of Long Distance BRTS on Some Intermediate Stop Location. MTech thesis.

Das, Jyoti Biraj (2014) Development of a low cost road roughness measuring device. MTech thesis.

Das , Amit Kumar (2013) Application of clustering techniques in defining level of service criteria of urban streets. MTech thesis.

Dash, Saswat Biswapriya (2015) Study on Development in Engineering Properties of Dense Grade Bituminous Mixes With Coal Ash by Using Natural Fiber. MTech thesis.

Dash, Swayam Siddha (2013) Effect of mix parameters on performance and design of cold mix asphalt. MTech thesis.

Datta, Suprabeet (2014) Modelling critical gaps for U-turn vehicles at median openings under Indian mixed traffic conditions. MTech thesis.

Dholawala, Hetsav (2017) Assessment of Mass Transit Quality of Service Employing Passenger Satisfaction in Soft Computing Techniques. MTech thesis.

Dung, S D (2014) Assessment of the suitability of coconut shell charcoal as filler in stone matrix asphalt. BTech thesis.

Dutta, A (2014) A general study on life cycle cost analysis for roads. MTech thesis.


Garnaik, Mohita Mohan (2014) Effects of highway geometric elements on accident modelling. MTech by Research thesis.

Golakoti , Vikas (2015) Study of Geometric Features of Road and Accident Rate. BTech thesis.

Goswami, T (2014) A laboratory study on use of bitumen emulsion in gravel road. MTech thesis.

Gumansingh, S (2014) Overlay of flexible pavements: an ANN approach. BTech thesis.

Gunisetty, Saikiran (2015) Traffic Characteristics of Non-Motorized Vehicles in Mixed Traffic. MTech thesis.

Gupta, A (2014) Study on speed profile across speed bumps. BTech thesis.


Hansdah, B B (2014) Study on error in space speed prediction. BTech thesis.

Haritha, Chellapilla (2015) Modelling of Bicycle Activity on Midsized City Road Segments in Indian Context. MTech thesis.

Harlie, Enoch Fallah (2016) Improving Bituminous Properties Using a Suitable Fibre. MTech thesis.

Hial, Digbijayee (2016) Empirical Capacity Modelling of Roundabouts for Mid-Sized Cities. MTech thesis.

Hussain, T hrovaguntla Khaja (2014) Development of traffic sign asset management system in indian context. MTech thesis.

Hussain, Tanzim (2015) Effects of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Mixed Traffic in India. BTech thesis.


Jain, Sparsh (2016) Modelling the Deflection of Flexible Pavement using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. MTech thesis.

Jena, Suprava (2018) Performance Assessment of Urban Street Facilities Addressing Improvement Issues of Automobile Mode. PhD thesis.

Jena , S (2014) Perception based pedestrian level of service. MTech thesis.


Kahali , Dharitri (2015) Impacts of Gender and Gender Mix on Pedestrian Fundamental Diagram. MTech thesis.

Kanaujiya , Prashant (2018) Qualitative Analysis Of Pedestrian Level Of Service In Signalized And Unsignalized Crossing. MTech thesis.

Kar, Debashish (2012) A laboratory study of bituminous mixes using a natural fibre. MTech thesis.

Kar, Manaswinee (2018) Performance Assessment of Signalised
Intersections from Automobile Users’ Perspective.
MTech thesis.

Kondamudi, Vinod Kumar (2017) Modeling Bicycle Service Qualities at Signalized Intersections under Heterogeneous Traffic Situations. MTech thesis.

Krishna, Yadu (2015) Modelling Performance Parameters of Roundabouts Using Gap Acceptance Method for Indian Traffic Scenario. MTech thesis.

Kumar, Amit (2018) Mapping intricacy in drivers’ satisfaction to define Urban Street Level of Service using Fuzzy logic. MTech thesis.

Kumar, Dindukurthi Prasanth (2018) Entry Capacity Modelling of Unsignalized Roundabouts using semi Microscopic approach. MTech thesis.

Kumar, Gandem Anil (2015) Padestrian Flow Behaviour along Sidewalks. MTech thesis.

kumar, Mamidi vinodh (2017) Flexible Pavement Performance Study. MTech thesis.

Kumar, P. Bharat Sai (2017) Performance Prediction of Flexible Pavement. MTech thesis.

Kumar, Pannela Satish (2015) Parametric Estimation of U-Turn Vehicles at Median Openings in Urban Indian Context. MTech thesis.

Kumar, Rakesh (2015) Capacity and Level of Service of Signalized Roundabouts in Urban Indian Context. BTech thesis.

Kumar, Rathikrinda Vinod (2014) Empirical studies on pedestrian dynamics:evacuation and queue. MTech thesis.


Mallikarjuna, R (2014) Operational analysis of roundabouts under mixed traffic flow condition. MTech thesis.

Manusha, Veera Leela (2016) Artificial Intelligence Techniques Based Modeling of Bicycle Level of Service for Urban Road Segments. MTech thesis.

Mohanty, Monika (2013) A study on use of waste polyethylene in bituminous paving mixes. MTech thesis.

Mohanty, Sambhu (2013) Estimation of pedestrian level of service for indian roads. BTech thesis.

Mohapatra, Smruti Sourava (2012) Level of service criteria of urban streets in indian context using advanced classification tools. MTech thesis.

Mohapatra , Saswat (2013) Evaluation of performance of flax fiber in the SMA mix using slag as aggregate replacement. BTech thesis.

Mr., Abhinav (2017) Development of Bicycle Level of Service Models for Urban Un-Signalized Intersections using Artificial Intelligence Approaches. MTech thesis.


N, Arumuga Subhashini (2014) Modelling traffic flow on interchange. BTech thesis.

Naga Raju, Sangani (2015) Qualitative and Quantitative Estimation of Pedestrian Level of Service at Signalized Intersections. MTech thesis.

Nayak, Swagat Chandan (2014) Accident analysis and development of crash prediction model of mid size city. BTech thesis.

Nayak, Swagat Chandan (2014) Accident analysis and development of crash prediction model of mid size city. BTech thesis.


Ojha, Abhishek (2015) A Study on Defining Pedestrian Level of Service for Road Links in Urban Indian Context. MTech thesis.

ojha , Jhunarani (2013) Rheological Study of Sulphur Modified Bituminous Binder. MTech thesis.


Padhy, Pragyanshree (2013) A study on effects of saturation on soil subgrade strength. MTech thesis.

Panda, Bhagyashree (2013) A Cost-Benefit Optimization Model For Maintenance and Rehabilitation Activities of Roads. MTech thesis.

Panda, Bindushree (2016) Optimised Proportion of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) and Blast Furnace Slag as Granular Subbase (GSB) Material in Pavement. MTech thesis.

Panda, Sourabh (2016) Capacity Estimation at Signalized Roundabouts. MTech thesis.

Patra , Prasanta Kumar (2013) Engineering properties of warm mix asphalt using emulsion as an additive. BTech thesis.

Patro, Sharmili (2018) Modelling Automobile LOS of Uncontrolled Unsignalized Intersections in Urban Indian context. MTech thesis.

Pattanaik, Jagannath (2018) Comparative analysis of Pedestrian Flow Activities at Railway Stairways: Case Study. MTech thesis.

Pradhan, Arunima (2016) Effect of Fly Ash on Strength of Pavement Quality Concrete. MTech thesis.

Pradhan, Debu kumar (2016) Performance Assessment of Transportation Modes Managing Behavioral Intention of User. MTech thesis.

Pramod, Chaudhari Saurabh (2018) A Comparative Analysis on Factors Affecting Functioning of Airports in India. MTech thesis.

Priya, Majji Sai (2016) Study on Pedestrian Crossing Behaviour at Unsignalized Intersections Using Gap Acceptance Theory. MTech thesis.

Priyanka, Atmakuri (2015) Qualitative Level of Service Analysis of Urban Streets in Indian Context. MTech thesis.

Prusty, Biswanath (2012) Use of waste polyethylene in bituminous
concrete mixes.
BTech thesis.

Purohit, Siddharth (2012) Non-motorized vehicle characteristics and its effect on mixed traffic. MTech thesis.


Rahmatyar, Naimatullah Shafaq (2017) A Simulation-based Optimization Approach of the Public Transport Network for A Multiple-core City, Kabul. MTech thesis.

Rai, Shibashis (2016) Studies on Queue Length and Saturation Flow at Signalized Intersection. MTech thesis.

Ranjan, Ankit Raj (2017) Modeling Capacity of Roundabouts Using Soft Computing Techniques. MTech thesis.

Rao, Shweta (2015) Performance Analysis of Roundabouts using Empirical Method for Indian Scenario. MTech thesis.

Rath , Upananda (2007) Structural behaviour of interlocking concrete block pavement. BTech thesis.

Ravada, S Dikshith (2012) Laboratory investigation on stone matrix asphalt using banana fiber. BTech thesis.

ReddiKrishna, Kannemadugu (2015) Study on Delay Distribution of Trains. MTech thesis.

Reddy, P Manoj Kumar (2016) Study of Pedestrian Flow and Level of Service on Foot Over Bridges and Stairways. MTech thesis.

Ritesh, P (2016) Performance Study of Flexible Pavements: A Sample Study. MTech thesis.

Roy, Abhisek (2018) Modification of trip generations following formation of a new district: a study in Kalimpong. MTech thesis.


S, Gayathri (2017) Evaluation of coordinated and non-coordinated public transport in urban area. MTech thesis.

Sahani, Rima (2017) Level of Service Criteria for Pedestrian Facilities in Urban Indian Context. PhD thesis.

Sahoo, Biswajeet and Nayak, Devadatta (2009) Study Of Subgrade Strength Related To Moisture. BTech thesis.

Sahoo, S (2014) Analysis of traffic noise. BTech thesis.

Sahoo, S (2014) Routing of hazardous material carrying vehicles. BTech thesis.

Sahoo, Sourav Kumar (2013) Engineering properties of warm mix asphalt using synthetic zeolite as an additive. BTech thesis.

Sahu, Shakti Samanta (2018) Gap acceptance Behaviour and Operational analysis of Bicyclists at Unsignalized Intersections. MTech thesis.

Sam, Rupam (2017) Modeling The Impact of Road Design Elements and The Traffic Features Affecting Driver’s Behaviour on Urban Streets. MTech thesis.

Samal, Rahul (2017) Use of Cement Stabilized Fly Ash in Pavement. MTech thesis.

Shankar, Ravi (2018) Assessment of Transport Scenario in Planned and Unplanned Cities. MTech thesis.

Sial , Sambit Kumar (2013) Study of safety at public places and roads. BTech thesis.

Singh, Harѕhit (2017) Uѕе of Fly Aѕh and Cеmеnt With Mօօrum fօr Ѕub-Baѕе and Ѕubgradе Layеr. MTech thesis.

Singh, Kumari Pratibha (2012) Analysis of different parking space and its comparison. BTech thesis.

Soren, Rajendra (2012) Laboratory investigation of stone matrix asphalt using bagasse fiber. BTech thesis.

Subba, Devyani (2018) Analysis of the Public Transport Network for a Multiple-core Hill City, Darjeeling. MTech thesis.

Suchismita, Arpita (2009) A Study of Effects of Binder Quality and Natural Fiber on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures. MTech thesis.

Sutradhar, Bidyut Bikash (2012) Evaluation of bond between bituminous pavement layers. MTech thesis.

Swain, Amrit Anushil (2015) Pedestrian Level of Service at Intersections. BTech thesis.

Swaroop, Shanti (2015) Development And Experimentation Using A Low Cost Road Roughness Device. MTech thesis.


Tamasa, Prachi (2015) Laboratory Study on a Warm Bituminous Mixx. MTech thesis.

Tripathy, Sumeet Kumar (2016) Effects of Non-Motorized Vehicles on Traffic Flow Parameters. MTech thesis.


Vamshi, Pokala (2013) Laboratory investigation on utilization of recycled materials in SMA mix. BTech thesis.

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 07:15:19 2025 IST.