Number of items at this level: 221.
Ajayan, Arshaghosh (2013) Higher mode natural frequencies of stepped beam using spectral finite elements. MTech thesis.
Pratheek, Bellam and kar, Rishit (2013) Seismic Design of Multistoried and Multi Bay Steel Building Frame. BTech thesis.
Agrawal, Vinay Mohan (2013) Effect of setback on fundamantal period of RC framed buildings. MTech thesis.
Bhaumik, Manotapa (2013) Seismic Analysis and FRP Jacketing of 4-storey RC Building. BTech thesis.
Kanar, Ashish Kumar (2013) Free vibration of 1-D and 2-D skeletal structures. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Chokkarapu Ranjith (2013) Implications of major international codal design provisions for open ground storey buildings. MTech thesis.
Kumar, S.Krishna (2013) Analysis of composite plates using element free galerkin method. MTech thesis.
Maddala, Padmakar (2013) Pushover Analysis of Steel Frames. MTech thesis.
Meher, Samikshya and Nayak, Nishant (2013) Experimental and numerical study on vibration and buckling characteristics of laminated composite plates. BTech thesis.
Rao, Venkateswara K (2013) Experimental and numerical studies on tuned liquid damper. MTech thesis.
Rout, Akash and Srivastav, Rallapalli (2013) Crack identification in beams. BTech thesis.
Sure, Naveen (2013) Experimetal and analytical study on torsional behavior of RC flanged beams strengthened with glass FRP. MTech thesis.
Vuggumudi, Sreelatha (2013) Experimental study on shear strengthening of RC T-beams with web openings using FRP composites. MTech thesis.
A, Kuppumanikandan (2013) Studies on major elements of an elevated metro bridge. MTech thesis.
A V, Asha (2008) Parametric Resonance Characteristics of Laminated Composite Twisted Cantilever Panels. PhD thesis.
Aala, Satyanarayana (2022) Study of Fracture Properties of Composites and Aluminium Alloys Using Size Effect Method. PhD thesis.
Ahmad, Fareed (2017) Enhancement of properties of recycled coarse aggregate concrete using non-ureolytic bacteria. MTech thesis.
Alam, Shamshad (2018) Characterization for Effective Management and Utilization of Red Mud. PhD thesis.
Arifizada, Mohammad Zia (2015) Seismic Analysis of Four-Story TIIR Building Using Equivalent Static Method. BTech thesis.
Ather, Javed (2011) Dynamic Stability of Delaminated Cross ply Composite Plates and Shells. MTech thesis.
B, Mallikarjun (2012) Response of extended eulerbernoulli beam under impulse load using wavelet spectral finite element method. MTech thesis.
Balaji, Gunda (2018) Manufacturing and utilization of Fly Ash Angular Aggregate for Sustainable Construction. MTech thesis.
Basu, Akhila (2017) Probabilistic Basis for use of Importance Factor in Seismic Design. MTech thesis.
Beeharry, Shaheel (2017) Use of Fly Ash Based Aggregates for Sustainable Construction. MTech thesis.
Behera, Ashis Debashis (2012) 3-D Analysis of Building Frame Using STAAD-PRO. BTech thesis.
Behera, Bijay Kumar (2007) Earth-quake resistant six-storied building located at Bhuj. BTech thesis.
Behera, Sukumar (2012) Seismic analysis of multistorey building with floating column. MTech thesis.
Bhatt, Nikhilesh (2015) Evaluation of the Codal Provisions for Asymmetric Buildings. MTech thesis.
Bhattacharjee, Bedabrata and A S V, Nagender (2007) Computer aided analysis and design of multi-storeyed buildings. BTech thesis.
Bhoi, Amarendra (2009) Strength Characteristics Analysis of Steel Slag Hydrated Matrix. BTech thesis.
Bhosale, Avadhoot (2012) Seismic evaluation of R/C framed building using shear failure model. MTech thesis.
Bhosale, Avadhoot (2018) Studies on Vertically Irregular RC Infilled Frame Buildings. PhD thesis.
Bhowmik, Alapan (2009) Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey Frame. BTech thesis.
Bisi, Pragyan Saraswati (2011) Vibration and buckling analysis of cracked composite beam. MTech thesis.
Biswal, Manoj Kumar (2022) Analysis of Pedestrian Level of Service and Capacity at Various Transportation Facilities. PhD thesis.
Biswas, Samrat (2015) Seismic Connection for Steel Square Hollow Beam-To-Square Hollow Column Joint. MTech thesis.
C, Kashyap (2007) Vibration analysis of structures. BTech thesis.
Chakraborty, Debaditya and Mehrolia, Akash (2011) Torsional Behaviour of RC Beams Wrapped With Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP). BTech thesis.
Chakraborty, Shubhrajyoti (2017) Effect of size on compression, bending and tensile strength of plaster of Paris specimen. MTech thesis.
Chakravarthy, Kamineni Naren (2014) Effect of confinement on curvature ductility of reinforced concrete beams. MTech thesis.
Choudhury, Sarat Chandra (2012) Flexural and Shear Strengthening of RC Beams with FRP –An Experimental Study. MTech by Research thesis.
Chowdary, Kilari Suresh (2014) Effect of diaphragm discontinuity in the seismic response of multi-storeyed building. MTech thesis.
Das, B and Yadav, M (2010) Static and Dynamic analysis of Grid Beams. BTech thesis.
Das, Mihir Ranjan (2015) GFRP Strengthening of RC Continuous Beams. MTech thesis.
Dash, Anil Kumar (2010) Large amplitude free vibration Analysis of composite plates by finite element method. MTech thesis.
Dash, Jyoti Prakash (2015) Fragility Analysis of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete Building by Coefficient Based Method. MTech thesis.
Dash, Nishikant (2009) Strengthening of Reinforced concrete Beams using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. MTech thesis.
Dash, Saine Sikta (2018) Flow Modelling of Straight and Meandering Compound Channels. PhD thesis.
Dash, Slokarth and Kumar, Roshan (2011) Stress Analysis of beams and plates using the Element Free Galerkin Method. BTech thesis.
Dash, Sudipta (2018) Non-linear Dynamic Analysis and Application of TMD in Controlling Vibration of Building Structures. MTech thesis.
Devi, Kamalini (2018) Flow Modelling in Straight Compound Channels with Symmetrical, Asymmetrical and Unsymmetrical Floodplains. PhD thesis.
Dhir, Prateek Kumar (2017) Seismic Performance Assessment of RC Multi-Storeyed Gravity Load Designed Frames. MTech by Research thesis.
Dwibedi, Subhranshu and Basa, Debasis (2012) Effects of Cut-out On The Natural Frequency of Glass Fibre –Epoxy Composite Plates. BTech thesis.
G, Hemanth Kumar (2012) Eexperimental and numerical studies on behaviour of frp strengthened deep beams with openings. MTech thesis.
Gantayet, S (2014) Vibration analysis of laminated composite turbo machinery blade. BTech thesis.
Garg, Vivek (2018) Fly Ash utilization in the Manufacture of Wall Panels. MTech thesis.
Gera, Ravi and Paul, Nipika (2011) Modal Analysis of Plane Frames. BTech thesis.
Gouda, J N (2014) Numerical and experimental investigations on vibration of delaminated composite shell. MTech thesis.
Govindapuram , Prasannajyothi (2017) An Experimental Investigation on Metakaolin Modified Concrete Paver Blocks. MTech thesis.
Goyal , Sandeep (2015) Dynamic Analysis of Sloped Buildings: Experimental and Numerical Studies. MTech thesis.
Grover, Aditya (2016) Vibration Control of MDOF Structural System using Tuned Liquid Damper. MTech thesis.
Gupta, Prakhar (2015) Finite Element Static Analysis of Slabs on Elastic Foundation. BTech thesis.
Gutha, S (2010) Comparative Study of Properties of Different Types of Binder Mixes Modified with Silica Fume. BTech thesis.
Halder, Pranab (2017) Cementitious Material from Recycled CLC and AAC Block Dust. MTech thesis.
Haran Pragalath, D C (2011) Support optimization tool for aero engine configuration systems. MTech thesis.
Hussain, Baharul (2017) In-Plane Free Vibration and Wave Propagation of Composite Curved Beam Using Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Hussain, Mohammad Musabbir (2017) Probabilistic Models for Mechanical Properties of Clay and Fly Ash Brick. MTech thesis.
Jain, Jamboo Kumar (2015) Effect of Chopped Glass Fibres on the Strength of Concrete Tiles. MTech thesis.
Jena, Biswajit (2015) Study on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Chopped Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete. MTech thesis.
Jena, Biswajit (2015) A Study on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Chopped Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete. MTech thesis.
Jena, Kisan (2012) Passive vibration control of framed structures by
base isolation method using lead rubber bearing. MTech thesis.
Kachhap, Vikas (2013) Behaviour of laminated composite twisted plates subjected to in-plane loading. MTech thesis.
Kamalakkannan, S (2016) Utilisation of Fly Ash in Structural Concrete for Sustainable Construction. MTech thesis.
Krishna, A Vamsi (2016) Strengthening of Shear Deficient Reinforced Concrete L-Beams Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites. MTech thesis.
Krishna, Ramba Balamurali (2015) Buckling of Functionally Graded Plates With Varying In-Plane Loading. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Dhiranjan (2016) Vibration, Buckling and Dynamic Stability of Tapered Cantilever Beam with Single Open Transverse Crack. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Prasanta and Kumar, Ankit (2015) Prediction of Compressive Strength using Genetic Programming Involving NDT Results. BTech thesis.
Kumar, Randhir (2018) Seismic Performance of Open Ground Storey Building Strengthened with RC Shear Wall. MTech thesis.
Kumar, Uttam (2016) Vibration and Buckling Analysis of FGM Cylindrical Shell Panels. MTech thesis.
Kundu, Parmananda (2012) Vibration control of frame structure using multiple tuned mass dampers. MTech thesis.
Kurma, Satish (2013) Vibration and stability of composite panels with geometrical discontinuities. MTech thesis.
Lakra, Sonam and Guria, Pradeep (2011) Vibration analysis of beam with multiple cracks. BTech thesis.
Lalrinmawii, Evangeline (2017) Study on Properties of Cement Mortar using Recycled Aggregates. MTech thesis.
M S, Indrajeeth (2015) Buckling Analysis of Cantilever Twisted FGM Plate. MTech thesis.
Mahammad, Yaar (2015) Seismic Performance of Multistorey Reinforced Concrete Buildings By Pushover Analysis. BTech thesis.
Mahesh Babu, Kale (2015) Lateral Load Resisting Behaviour of Existing Railway Bridge Piers. MTech thesis.
Mahmood, Ayaz (2008) Structural Health Monitoring Using non Destructive Testing of Concrete. BTech thesis.
Majhi, Biswajit (2015) Free Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates with Cut-Out. MTech thesis.
Majumdar, Abhishek and Das , Subhrajeet (2010) Out of plane vibration of curved beams. BTech thesis.
Malik, Baruna (2009) The Buckling Load of a Truss Determined by the Convergence Criterion of the Moment Distribution Method. BTech thesis.
Malik , Anusmita (2013) Free vibration of rods, beams and frames using spectral element method. MTech thesis.
Mallick, Jagadish (2010) Effect of Silica Fume on Steel Slag Concrete. MTech thesis.
Mandal, Shambhu Nath (2013) Seismic Analysis of Open Ground Story Framed Building. BTech thesis.
Marndi, Balabhadra (2012) frequency measurement of aluminium beam with multiple cracks. BTech thesis.
Meena, Ankur and Singh, Randheer (2012) Comparative Study of Waste Glass Powder as Pozzolanic material in Concrete. BTech thesis.
Meena, Ghamandi Lal and Viswanath, Kammula (2008) Dynamic Analysis of Framed Structures. BTech thesis.
Meera, Miss (2013) Experimental and numerical study on dynamic behavior of composite beams with different cross section. MTech thesis.
Meher, Jitendra Kumar (2014) Free Flexural Vibration of Multiple Stepped Beams by Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Mehta, Abhishek (2011) Study of substitute frame method of analysis for lateral loading conditions. BTech thesis.
Milad, Ahmad (2015) Response of Structure Subjected To Different Earthquake Ground Motions. BTech thesis.
Minz, Parbesh and Bara, Bhabani (2008) Boundary Shear Stress in Compound Channel. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Asim Kumar (2008) Finite element large amplitude free flexural vibration analysis of isotropic plates. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Itishree (2012) Parametric Instability of Woven Fiber Composite Plates. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Nishikant (2009) Dynamic Analysis of Beam. BTech thesis.
Mishra, Rashmi (2011) Application of tuned mass damper for vibration control of frame structures under seismic excitations. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Snigdha (2012) Vibration and Buckling of Composite Twisted Panels
Subjected to Hygrothermal Environment. MTech thesis.
Mishra, Uttam Kumar (2014) Vibration, Buckling and Dynamic Stability of Stepped Beams with Multiple Transverse Cracks. PhD thesis.
Mistri, Abhijit (2016) Column-to-Beam Moment Capacity Ratio of Framed Building. MTech thesis.
Mittal , A (2014) Vibration analysis of laminated composite curved shells. BTech thesis.
Mohanty, Jayaram (2012) Vibration, Buckling and Parametric Resonance Characteristics of Delaminated Composite Plates Subjected to In-plane Periodic Loading. PhD thesis.
Mohanty, Regal (2015) Vibration Analysis of Cracked Composite Plate. BTech thesis.
Mohapatra, Arpita (2015) Free Vibration Study of Annular Laminated Composite Circular Plates with Holes. BTech thesis.
Moon, Nitesh (2009) Prediction of Blast Loading and its Impact on Buildings. MTech thesis.
Mourya, Vishal Kumar (2018) Non-linear Behaviour of Masonry Infill RC Frame: Influence of Masonry Mechanical Properties. MTech thesis.
Murmu, Meena (2009) Evaluation of Strength Characteristics of Steel Slag Hydrated Matrix. MTech thesis.
Naga Kumar, Varre Ananth (2015) Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Twisted Plates with Holes. BTech thesis.
Naik, Sameer (2009) Vibration Analysis of Cracked Steel Beams. BTech thesis.
Nair, Rahul V (2013) Performance Assessment of Multi-storeyed RC Special Moment Resisting Frames. MTech thesis.
Nanda, Bharadwaj (2010) Application of Tuned Liquid Damper for Controlling Structural Vibration. MTech thesis.
Nath , Smaranika (2015) Stress Wave Propagation in Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Parsuram (2008) Vibration Analysis of Woven Fiber Glass/Epoxy Composite Plates. MTech thesis.
Nayak, Sthitapragyan (2015) Vibration Analysis of Cracked Hybrid Composite Plates using Experimental and Numerical Methods. BTech thesis.
Netam, Madhu Lata (2016) Dynamic Analysis of Sloped Building Attached With a Mass Damper. MTech thesis.
Ojah, Pranab Kumar (2015) Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Curved Beam by Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
P, Suji (2012) Buckling of bar by wavelet galerkin method. MTech thesis.
P , Pratheesh P (2014) Free Vibration Analysis of Twisted Functionally Graded Material Plates. MTech thesis.
Padhi, Bhabani Sankar (2014) Free Vibration of Laminated Composite Plate with a Central Hole. BTech thesis.
Panda, Himanshu Sekhar (2016) Vibration, Buckling and Parametric Instability of Delaminated Composite Panels in Hygrothermal Environment. PhD thesis.
Panda, Jagajyoti and Srikanth, M S (2013) Analysis and design of vertical vessel foundation. BTech thesis.
Panda, Saleema (2018) Nonlinear Finite Element Static and Dynamic Analyses of Stiffened Plates. PhD thesis.
Pandey, Pratyush Kumar (2015) Finite Element Analysis of Beam with Smart Materials. BTech thesis.
Pandit, Amiya Ranjan (2019) Seismic Response of Partially Filled Sloped Bottom Container and Tuned Liquid Damper for Vibration Control. PhD thesis.
Panigrahi, Archana Kumari (2013) Strengthening of Shear Deficient RC T-Beams with Externally Bonded FRP Sheets. MTech by Research thesis.
Panigrahi , Akash (2018) Experimental Study on Strength Characteristics of Lightweight Concrete with Fly Ash Aggregate. MTech thesis.
Parida, Lukesh (2018) Axial Vibration Of Bar Using Material Point Method (MPM). MTech thesis.
Parida, Satyajit (2015) Effect of Nano Silica on the Compressive Strength of Concrete. BTech thesis.
Patel, Snehash (2012) Earthquake resistant design of low-rise open ground storey framed building. MTech thesis.
Pati, Pritam Kumar (2017) Fly Ash Utilisation in The Manufacture of Green Paver Blocks and Tiles. MTech thesis.
Patnaik, Ashish Kumar (2018) Entry Capacity Modelling of Roundabouts under Heterogeneous Traffic Flow Conditions. PhD thesis.
Patnaik, Pratyasha (2014) Buckling Analysis of Laminar Composite Plates with Holes. BTech thesis.
Pattnaik, Sourav Kumar (2015) Development of Spread Sheet Design Tool for Steel Beam-Column as Per International Standards. BTech thesis.
Polimeru, Vijay Kumar (2015) Flexural Analysis of FRP Strengthened RCC Beams Using Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin Method (MLPG). MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Manas Ranjan (2015) Free Flexural Vibration of Composite Beam by Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Pradhan, Prangya Paramita (2009) Optimization of Two Bay Portal Frame. BTech thesis.
Pradhan, Siprarani (2021) Flow Analysis of Compound Channels with Rough Floodplains. PhD thesis.
Prasad, Elluri Venkata (2019) Vibration, Buckling and Dynamic Stability of Fiber Metal Laminated Plates. PhD thesis.
Prasanth, S V (2014) Non linear buckling analysis of laminated composite twisted plates. MTech thesis.
Priyadarshini, Adyasha (2013) Identification of cracks in beams using vibrational analysis. MTech thesis.
Priyaranjanl, Praval (2012) Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of a RC frame structure. BTech thesis.
Prusty, Sharbanee and Agrawal, Niraj Kumar (2011) Two dimensional analysis of frame structures under arbitrary loading. BTech thesis.
R, Arun Kumar (2009) Buckling Analysis of Woven Glass Epoxy Laminated Composite Plate. MTech thesis.
Raghava Ravi Teja, Peri (2015) Studies on Mechanical Properties of Brick Masonry. MTech by Research thesis.
Rai, Chandan (2007) Free vibration analysis of straight and horizontally curved steel I-girder bridges. BTech thesis.
Raj, Amit Kumar (2018) Natural Period Of Setback Buildings -Assessment Of Is 1893: 2016 Guidelines. MTech thesis.
Raj, Vaibhav (2014) Development of design tools for the design of steel beams as per indian & international standards. BTech thesis.
Rajesh, Ravi (2018) Numerical Investigation of NACA Airfoil and Wind Turbine Airfoil. MTech thesis.
Rajput, Piyush (2016) Axial-Flexural-Shear Coupled Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Composite Beam Using Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Rao, Govardhana (2009) Vibration Analysis of Beams. BTech thesis.
Rath, Debasish (2016) Vibration Analysis and Damping Characteristics of Delaminated Composite Laminates. MTech thesis.
Rath, Manoj Kumar (2012) Dynamic Instability of Laminated Composite Curved Panels in Hygrothermal Environment. PhD thesis.
Ray, Rohan Gourav (2015) Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Plate Using ABAQUS. MTech thesis.
Rayudu, Jarapala (2018) Dynamic Behaviour of Buildings Resting on Sloppy Ground. MTech thesis.
Reddy, P S (2014) Vibration and buckling analysis of a cracked stepped column using finite element method. MTech thesis.
Rohini, B (2015) Free Vibration of Stepped Beam with Multiple Transverse Cracks. MTech thesis.
Roy , Bijoy Krishna (2018) Evaluation of Concrete Strength using Maturity Method. MTech thesis.
S, Jeeva (2018) Bond Strength between the Old and the New Concrete. MTech thesis.
Sabar, Pratima (2008) Vibration and buckling analysis of cracked beam-columns. MTech thesis.
Sagar, Kurapati Krishna (2015) Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Tapered Beam with Open Transverse Crack. MTech thesis.
Sagar, Metku Vivekanand (2016) Buckling Analysis of Twisted Cantilever FGM Plates with and Without Cut-OutS. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Kirtikanta (2012) Analysis of self supported steel chimney as per indian standard. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Padmabati (2015) Experimental and Numerical Study on Tuned Mass Damper in Controlling Vibration of Frame Structures. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rasmi Ranjan (2008) Analysis and capacity based earthquake resistant design of multi bay multi storeyed 3D-RC frame. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Rosalin (2011) Dynamic stability of composite shells subjected to hygrothermal enviornment. MTech thesis.
Sahoo, Sunil Kumar and Jena, Indubhusan (2008) Study of Cost effectiveness in Design of Structures with High Performance Concrete. BTech thesis.
Sahu, Praveen Kumar (2016) In-Plane Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Curved Beam with Varying Cross-Section by Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Sahu, S (2014) Strengthening reinforced concrete beams using Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) composites. MTech thesis.
Sahu, Santosini (2021) Structural characterization and modelling of fly ash brick masonry. PhD thesis.
Samal, J.P (2012) Free Vibrations of Framed Structures with Inclined Members. BTech thesis.
Samal , Deepak Kumar (2010) Buckling of composite plates in hygrothermal
conditions. BTech thesis.
Sandeep, Arasada Sravan (2017) Out of Plane Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Curved Beam with Variable Cross Section by Spectral Element Method. MTech thesis.
Sandeep, Koduru Venkata (2016) Elasto-plastic Analysis of Plate With and Without Cut-outs. MTech thesis.
SanthoshPushpaRaj, D (2012) Dynamic analysis of laminated composite plates with holes. MTech thesis.
Saripalli, Sai Ram Reddy (2015) Study on Torsional Behaviour of Retrofitted Rectangular RC Beams with Web Openings. MTech thesis.
Sasmal, Suvendu Kumar (2023) Transient and Total Settlement Estimation of Shallow Strip Footing Subjected to Eccentrically Inclined Static Load and Cyclic Load on Granular Soil. PhD thesis.
Sathyan, Aparna K (2015) Study on Mechanical Properties of Cement Mortar by the Addition of Ureolytic Bacteria. MTech thesis.
Semwal , Nikhil (2018) Experimental determination of apparent fracture toughness of aluminium sheet for varying strain rate. MTech thesis.
Sengupta, Anirban and Pati, Bikash Kumar (2011) Development of the non linear model for RC beams. BTech thesis.
Sethy, Kaliprasanna (2011) Application of pushover analysis to RC bridges. MTech thesis.
Shambharkar, Rakesh (2008) Vibration analysis of thin rotating cylindrical shell. MTech thesis.
Shankar, Ravi (2018) Assessment of Transport Scenario in Planned and Unplanned Cities. MTech thesis.
Sharan, Nemi (2011) Vibration and stability of laminated composite doubly curved shells by a higher order shear deformation theory. MTech thesis.
Sharathdhruthi, Boga (2014) Free vibration analysis of multiple cracked uniform and stepped beams using finite element analysis. MTech thesis.
Sharma , Ankesh and Bhadra, Biswobhanu (2013) Seismic Analysis and Design Of Vertically Irregular RC Building Frames. BTech thesis.
Shinde, Sagar Sangappa (2018) Experimental study on shear streanthening of RC T-Beams using steel wire mesh. MTech thesis.
Shingdan, Budhi Man (2014) Dynamic analysis of a transmission line tower modeled in staad pro. BTech thesis.
Shit, Trishanu (2011) Experimental and numerical study on behavior of externally bonded RC T-beams using GFRP composites. MTech thesis.
Shrestha, Mausam (2015) Study on Design and Performance Comparison of RC Buildings Designed for Various Indian Seismic Zones. BTech thesis.
Singh, Ashish (2013) Vibration and buckling of composite twisted Panels subjected to hygrothermal loading. MTech thesis.
Singh, H K (2014) Prediction of shear strength of deep beam using genetic programming. BTech thesis.
Singh, Rajani Kant (2015) Stability Analysis of Laminated Composite Circular Plates With Holes. BTech thesis.
Singh, Ram Ashish (2018) Experimental study on Ternary and Quaternary Blended Cement Mortar. MTech thesis.
Sinha, Yash (2018) Production and Performance of Aggregates Using Two Types of Fly-ash for Lightweight Concrete using Glass Powder as Binder. MTech thesis.
Srinivasulu, Masula (2017) Seismic Analysis of Base Isolated Liquid Storage Tank. MTech thesis.
Subhaprakash, S B (2015) Modal and Buckling Analysis of a Cracked Cantilever Beam with Circular Cross Section. MTech thesis.
Subhashree, Soumya (2012) Strengthening of rc continuous beams using frp sheet. MTech thesis.
Sujith, Rajan (2009) Free Vibration of Laminated Composite Cross-Ply Spherical Panels. MTech thesis.
Sukla, Sas an ka Sek ha r (2014) Development of Design Tool for Design of Steel Columns. BTech thesis.
Sulaiman, S (2015) Nonlinear Response of RC Frames using Plastic Hinge Model. MTech thesis.
Sunayana, S (2014) Moment capacity ratio at beam – column joint in a regular RC framed building. MTech thesis.
Th, Abdul Khader Shahadaf (2013) Vibration analysis Of composite beam with crack. MTech thesis.
Thachampuram, Sanju J (2014) Development of Fragility Curves for an RC Frame. MTech thesis.
Tudu, Chhabirani (2012) Study of torsional behaviour of rectangular reinforced concrete beams wrapped with GFRP. MTech thesis.
V, Akhila (2018) Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Calibration of Ground Penetrating Radar. MTech thesis.
Vasavi, M (2007) Analysis and capacity based earthquake resistant design of
multi bay multi storeyed RC frame. BTech thesis.
Venna, Venkateswarareddy (2012) Delamination effect on response of a composite beam by wavelet spectral finite element method. MTech thesis.
Venugopal, M (2014) Behaviour of gfrp retrofitted rectangular rc beams with small web openings under torsion: experimental study. MTech thesis.
Verma, Eshan and G, Ashish (2011) Vibrational analysis of framed structures. BTech thesis.
Vishwakarma, Sunil Kumar (2018) Effect of Pumice Stone Aggregate on the Fresh and Hardened
Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete. MTech thesis.
Youldash, S (2014) Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete buildings under varying frequency contents. MTech thesis.
Zade, Nikhil P. (2017) Behaviour of Unreinforced Masonry. MTech thesis.
Zade, Nikhil Pundalikrao (2023) Lightweight Concrete Block Masonry Infill: Seismic Response and Sustainability. PhD thesis.
This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 15:29:55 2025 IST.